Please do note that this post is a continuation of Oracle Retail Merchandising System Deep Dive article and if you are a beginner, you may want to visit Oracle Retail Merchandising System Overview article before proceeding on this article, however, it is not completely necessary.
- Stock Ledger Overview
- Understanding Stock Ledger Attributes
- Stock Ledger Transactions
- Retail v/s Cost Inventory Method of Accounting and its Usage
- Stock Ledger Integration with GL
- Stock Ledger Batches
- Stock Ledger Data Model and Flow
- Stock Ledger RMS Application Forms
Stock Ledger Retail VAT Inclusive
Time Interval
Estimated Landed Cost
General Ledger Rollup Level
Minimum / Maximum Cumulative Mark-on Percent
Receiver Cost Adjustment Type
Retain Transaction Data
NWP Processing
RMS Tran Codes
High Level Discriptions
01 - Sales/Returns
This record captures the units sold (or returned), the retail value of the units, and the cost of the units (average or standard cost based on system option setting). The retail value is the equivalent of the sale price captured at the POS and not the value in RMS. For example, it includes any promotional discounts applied to the sale, which may not be reflected in RMS retail price. Any difference in the unit retail in RMS and actual sales retail is accounted through specific tran codes for markup/ markdown.
The quantity, retail, and cost amounts are positive numbers for sales and negative numbers for returns. The cost and retail values captured in these records are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week, and subclass/month levels and are used in the ending inventory calculations for those periods. This tran code will include VAT in the value, if used in RMS. |
02 - Sales excluding VAT
This transaction type is similar to Net Sales (Tran Code – 01) and written along with tran code 01 in the cases when tax type selected at the system level is SVAT or GTAX and ‘Stock Ledger Retail VAT Inclusive’ = Yes (STKLDGR_VAT_INCL_IND = 'Y'). This record gives visibility to sales without the VAT value. If VAT is not included in the stock ledger, then records are not written with this transaction code.
These transactions are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week, and subclass/month levels; however it is not used in the ending inventory calculations. |
03 - Non-inventory sale
This type of transaction is also recorded in RMS by the sales upload process, and it includes all the sales/ return transactions at POS for non-inventory items. These records are the items for which item’s inventory indicator (INVENTORY_IND) is ‘N’.
For these transactions too, sales are positive records and returns are negative. Retail is the item’s sales price, and cost is WAC or standard cost, depending on system option. The summarization of sales and return transactions is similar as Net Sales (Tran Code – 1). Sales recorded under this tran code is not part of the Net Sales (Tran Code – 1). These records are not used for the ending inventory calculations but rolled up to subclass/location level for day, week and month in the stock ledger to interface it to the general ledger. |
04 - Customer Returns
This transaction type is recorded for all customer returns processed through the sales upload process in RMS. This is the only place in the system in which there is visibility to customer returns, since customer returns are not written to the sales history tables in the system. Units returned, total retail, and total cost is captured for each return transaction. Return transactions are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month level. However, because customer returns are part of the ‘Net Sales’ transaction, ‘Returns’ are not used in the ending inventory calculations.
05 - Non-inventory sale excluding VAT
This transaction type is written for the same criteria as the 'Non-inventory Items Sales/Returns (Tran Code - 03)' transaction described above, if the system parameter is set that indicates VAT should be included in records written to the stock ledger. When it is written, it is in conjunction with the ‘Non-inventory Items Sales/Returns’ record in order to give visibility to sales without VAT. If VAT is not included in the stock ledger, then records are not written with this transaction code. This transaction code is similar to Tran Code – 02.
These records are not used for the ending inventory calculations but are rolled up to subclass/location level for day, week and month in the stock ledger to interface it to the general ledger. |
06 - Deal Income - Sales
This transaction code is recorded to post income generated from bill back rebate or vendor funded promotion types of deals that are calculated based on sales. These are the deals from which the retailer gets income as certain part of sales. The amount of income may differ based on predefined threshold sales levels and percentage thereof.
For example – A supplier may give 10% discount on every $10,000 worth of sales and 15% discount if the sales reaches $20,000.
Since, this transaction is based on sales; the posting is at retail only. This transaction is created by the daily deal income and sales upload batch programs. The latter posts deal income transactions only in case of Vendor Funded Promotions. For these transactions the daily data roll up table is updated by the daily deal income batch rather than sales daily batch. Additionally, deal ID is also recorded in the reference number column.
These transactions are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week, and subclass/month levels; however, it is not used in the ending inventory calculations. |
07 - Deal Income – purchases
This transaction is recorded to post income generated from bill back or bill back rebate deals that are calculated based on purchases. The income from these deals is dependent upon the quantity of purchases made by the retailer from the vendor, and deal income may differ based on predefined threshold levels of purchases.
For example – A supplier may give 10% discount if the purchase of a particular item is more than $10,000, and if the total purchase in a year reaches $200,000 then extra 2% is given to the retailer.
These transactions are posted at cost based on the purchase cost.
This transaction is created by the daily deal income batch program. For these transactions the daily data roll up table is updated by the daily deal income batch rather than sales daily batch program. Additionally, deal ID is also recorded in the reference number column.
These transactions are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week, and subclass/month levels; however it is not used in the ending inventory calculations. |
08 - Fixed Income Accrual
Income arising out of fixed deals is recorded under this transaction code. Fixed deals are a lump sum deal based on proof of performance.
For example: if a retailer highlights a particular product in their weekly sales flyer (and sends that flyer to the product’s manufacturer as proof), then the manufacturer gives the retailer $100. This transaction is recorded at cost. These transactions are not recorded in TRAN_DATA table. The deal fixed income batch program writes these transactions to the financial staging table for the general ledger posting process. It splits deal income over all dept/class/subclass locations on the deal. This prorated income is written to the general ledger under a suitable cost center mapping. |
10 - Weight Variance
This transaction is used to capture the variance arising out of the difference between nominal weight and actual weight during the sale and inventory adjustment of a catch weight type 3 or 4 item.
· Catch Weight Type 3 Items – This type of item is purchase in fixed weight simple packs containing a fixed number of eaches and sold by variable weight eaches (for example, pre packaged cheese)
· Catch Weight Type 4 Items– This type of item is purchase in variable weight simple packs containing a fixed number of eaches and sold by variable weight eaches (for example, pre-packaged sirloin steak)
These types of catch weight items have a nominal weight defined for them. At the time of sales, actual weight is captured, which may be different from the nominal weight defined.
For example: A bag of apples can have nominal weight as 1 kg but actual weight can be more or less than 1 kg. This is posted at retail and not used for inventory calculation. |
11 - Markup
When the retail price of an item in a transaction is over its current price, this is recorded as a markup. Markup is recorded in the following cases:
Price Changes
When the retail price of an item is increased over its current price because of a permanent price change, it is recorded as markup under this tran code. However in some cases, a clearance or promotional markdown can also end up increasing the price. In these exceptional cases, a markup transaction will also be captured.
This record is a location specific record and the unit quantity considered for posting is the stock on hand for the item in that location, along with the in-transit quantity. The time for posting this record is the effective date of the price change. That is, this transaction is posted at the point in time when the new price for that item becomes effective in RMS. Price changes are inserted in RMS by RPM daily batch. Pack Component Sales
In the case of pack sales, when the retail value of the sale is prorated to the component items, a markup may be written if the prorated retail is higher than the current retail price of the item in RMS.
This record is a location specific record and the unit quantity considered for posting is quantity sold (pack quantity sold * no. of components in pack) in that transaction. The time of posting this transaction is when sale is recorded. Example for Sales:
Item A is a component of Pack X at location Z. Pack X contains 15 units of item A and has a retail of $300. The unit retail of item A is $15. Store Z sells 2 units of Pack X on January 2nd. The total retail value posted as markup on January 2nd is $150. This is calculated as:
Markup Retail = Component Units sold * ((Pack unit retail/No. of components) – Per unit retail of component item)
Markup Retail = 30 * ((300/15) – 15) = $150
This transaction is written in the case of transfer if the unit retail at the sending location is less than the receiving location’s retail.
The location for which it is posted will be as per the system option (defined in the System Options section) for determining markdown location – either sending or receiving location. The quantity considered will be the quantity in the shipment and it will be posted when transfer status is moved to ‘shipped’. The transfer number is also captured in the reference number field of this transaction.
Example for Transfer:
Item A regular retail is $10 at location X and $12 at location Y. 10 units are transferred from location X to location Y. If the system option is set for the receiving location to take the markup, then the transfer will be valued at $100 ($10*10) and a markup of $20 (($12-$10)*10) for the receiving location. If the system option is set for the sending location to take the markup, then the transfer will be valued at $120 ($12*10) and a markup of $20 ($12-$10)*10) is written for the sending location.
In the daily and periodic stock ledger processes, these transactions are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week, and subclass/month levels. Only a retail value is associated with a markup, and therefore markups are only included in the ending inventory calculations for retail. |
12 - Markup Cancel (requires customization)
A markup cancellation is the decreasing of the retail price of an item until the point of its original retail. In other words, this is cancelling a previous markup in part or full. Because this transaction can be misused to disguise the markdown, RMS does not systematically capture this transaction code in the transaction data tables. Instead, it captures all decreases in price as a markdown. If a retailer wants to automatically record this in certain cases, it is a customization of the system in order to do so.
13 - Markdown
When the retail price of an item in a transaction is below its current price, this is recorded as a Promotional Markdown. When the regular retail of an item changes, and is lowered, it this will also be recorded as a Permanent Markdown. A permanent markdown is recorded in the following cases:
Price Change
When retail price of an item is reduced below its current price because of a permanent or regular price change, it is recorded as permanent markdown under this tran code. They can also happen because of changing of a zone group for an item or the changing of the zone in which stores exists for a particular zone group.
This record is location specific and the unit quantity considered for posting is the stock on hand for the item in that location, along with the in-transit quantity. The time for posting this record is the effective date of the price change. That is, this transaction will be posted at the point in time when new price for that item becomes effective. Price changes are inserted in RMS by the RPM daily batch.
The total retail value is calculated as the difference between the new retail and the old retail, multiplied by the total unit quantity.
Pack Component Sales
In the case of pack sales, when the retail value of the sale is prorated to the component items, a permanent markdown may be written if the prorated retail is lower than the current retail price of the item in RMS.
This transaction code is inserted daily by the Sales upload batch program to record the difference. This record is location specific and the unit quantity considered for posting is quantity sold (pack quantity sold * no. of components in pack) in that transaction. The time of posting this transaction is when sale is recorded. Example for Sales:
Item A is a component of Pack X at location Z. Pack X contains 15 units of item A and has unit retail of $150. Unit retail of item A is $15. Store Z sells 2 Unit of Pack X on January 2nd. The total retail value posted as markdown on January 2nd will be $30. This is calculated as:
Markdown Retail = Component Units sold * (Per unit retail of component item – (Pack unit retail/No. of components))
Permanent Markdown Retail = 30 * (15 – (150/15)) = $150
This transaction is written in case of transfer, if the unit retail at the sending location and the receiving location is different.
The location for which it is posted is as per the system options (defined in the System Options section) for determining markdown location – either the shipping or receiving location. The quantity considered is the quantity in the shipment, and it will be posted when transfer status is moved to ‘shipped’. The transfer number is also captured in the reference number field of this tran code.
Example for Transfer:
Item A regular retail is $12 at location X and $10 at location Y. 10 units are transferred from location X to location Y. If the system option is set for the receiving location to take the markdown, then the transfer will be valued at $120 ($12*10) and a markdown of $20 (($12-$10)*10) for the receiving location. If the system option is set for the sending location to take the markdown, then the transfer will be valued at $100 ($10*10) and a markdown of $20 ($12-$10)*10) will be written for the sending location.
These transactions are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week, and subclass/month levels. Only a retail value is associated with a markdown and therefore these are only included in the ending inventory calculations for retail. |
14 - Markdown Cancel
This transaction is recorded when an item had a price change decreasing it from the original price and now it is increased over its current retail but below its original retail. It is basically cancelling the part of markdown already applied on the price.
A markdown cancel will typically result from a permanent price change.
Markdown cancels are recorded at the point in time that the new price for the item goes into effect in RMS (that is, the effective date of the price change). The unit quantity that makes up the transaction record is the stock on hand for the item at the location, along with any in-transit quantity. The total retail value is calculated as the difference between the new retail and the old retail, multiplied by the total unit quantity. These transactions are inserted by the RPM daily batch when a price change goes into effect.
The ‘Markdown Cancel’ transactions are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week, subclass/month levels and also used in the ending inventory calculations for a particular period. Only a retail value is associated with a markdown cancel and therefore markdown cancels are only included in the ending inventory calculations for retail.
15 - Promotional Markdown
Promotional Markdown is the result of a temporary reduction in the price of an item for a limited time period, but is only recorded for actual units sold. This temporary reduction is recorded through this transaction code in the following cases:
Promotional Price Change
Promotional Markdown is recorded at the time of sales of an item for which a temporary reduction in the price is created in RPM. This is basically a planned markdown and usually it is for a limited time period for promoting sales.
Promotional markdowns are not taken at the time a promotion goes into effect, but rather at the time of a sale. This transaction is inserted by the sales upload batch program.
For Example:
New promotional price of $15 for Item A gets effective from January 2nd (Original price $17). 5 units sold on January 22nd. Total retail value posted as promotional markdown on January 2nd will be $10. This is calculated as:
Promotional Markdown Retail = (SOH*Old Retail) – (SOH*New Retail)
Promotional Markdown Retail = (5*17) – (5*15) = $10
Promotional markdowns are also recorded when a price of an item is overridden at the time of actual sales and sold at a higher or lower price but not part of an RMS/RPM initiated promotional event.
In the case of a price reduction, there is a positive value for this transaction and in the case of price increase, there is a negative value recorded equal to the difference between regular price and new price.
This transaction is inserted by the sales upload batch program.
The unit quantity that makes up the promotional markdown transaction record is the units sold for the item at the location. The total retail value is calculated as the difference between the new retail and the old retail, multiplied by the total unit quantity.
The ‘Promotional Markdown’ transactions are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week, subclass/month levels and also used in the ending inventory calculations for a particular period. Only a retail value is associated with a promotional markdown and therefore promotional markdowns are only included in the ending inventory calculations for retail.
16 - Clearance Markdown
Clearance Markdown is a permanent decrease in the retail price of an item resulting from a clearance event created in RPM.
These are recorded at the point in time that the new clearance price for the item goes into effect in RMS (that is, the effective dates of the clearance markdowns). The unit quantity that makes up the transaction record is the stock on hand for the item at the location on the effective date, along with any in-transit quantity. The total retail value is calculated as the difference between the new retail and the old retail, multiplied by the total unit quantity.
For Example:
New clearance price for Item A ($15) gets effective from January 2nd (Original Retail $17). SOH on that day for item A at location X is 150 units. Total retail value posted as clearance markdown on January 2nd will be $300. This is calculated as:
Clearance Markdown Retail = (SOH*Old Retail) – (SOH*New Retail)
Clearance Markdown Retail = (150*17) – (150*15) = $300
The ‘Clearance Markdown’ transactions are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week, and subclass/month levels and also used in the ending inventory calculations for a particular period. Only a retail value is associated with a clearance markdown, and therefore clearance markdowns are only included in the ending inventory calculations for retail. |
17 - Inter-company Markup (sending location)
When goods are transferred between two locations which are under different business entities then these transfers are known as Intercompany Transfers. (Refer to the ‘Multiple Set of Books’ in the RMS system options section for options related to intercompany transfers.) Intercompany Transfers are treated as a purchase/sale between business entities rather than just a movement of merchandise. In the case of intercompany transfers, if the Transfer Price specified on the transfer is more than the retail price of the item at the sending location, the difference between transfer price and the retail is recorded as Intercompany Markup.
Because intercompany transfers are treated as sales in the sending location, in the case of markup, it is recorded for the sending location.
These transaction data records are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week, and subclass/month levels and also used in the ending inventory calculations for a particular period.
18 - Inter-company Markdown (sending location)
This transaction is recorded when the price of an Intercompany Transfer is less than the retail value of the merchandise at the sending location. The difference between the transfer price and the retail is recorded as Intercompany Markdown.
As intercompany transfers are treated as sales in the sending location, in case of a markdown, it is recorded for the sending location.
This transaction data is rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week, and subclass/month levels and also used in the ending inventory calculations for a particular period. |
20 - Purchases
This transaction is written for purchases of merchandise made by the retailer from a vendor when RMS processes the receipt of a purchase order. Also, in the case of a (receiver cost adjustment) RCA or receiver unit adjustment (RUA), this record is written.
This transaction writes the units received, total cost and total retail for all the items on the receipt. The cost recorded is the cost on the purchase order, that is, the purchase cost for the particular receipt, plus ELC, minus off invoice deals, if applicable. The retail recorded is the regular retail or clearance retail (whichever is effective at the time of receiving) of the item at the receiving location. Purchase order number and shipment number for the receipt is also recorded for reference in this transaction record. In the case of RCA and RUA, ‘C’ and ‘U’ respectively is recorded under the adjustment code column of this transaction record. |
22 - Stock Adjustments
This transaction code is written in three cases: first, when there is an adjustment to the total stock on hand; secondly, when a unit stock count results in adjustment to total stock on hand; and thirdly, when spoilage type wastage configured for an item is processed.
In the case of an adjustment to the total stock on hand, the reason code associated with the adjustment determines the tran code to which the adjustment is written – either 22 or 23. Those that are classified as ‘Cost of Goods Sold’ adjustments write to tran code 23;
others write to tran code 22. The reason code is captured on the transaction data record for the reporting purposes in the GL reference number field.
For stock counts, stock adjustment records are written under this tran code only in the case of a ‘Unit Only’ count. ‘Unit and Value Counts’ are recorded under tran code – 41, for interfacing to Retail Analytics. In this case, stock count number is recorded in the first reference field.
For both cases, the units adjusted are recorded to the table, along with the cost and retail extensions.
Total cost = Number of units * Average or Standard Cost (depending on the system parameter setting)
Total retail = Number of units * Unit Retail.
This transaction code is also inserted when waste adjustment is processed for items with a waste type of ‘SP’ (spoilage). This waste type is used to account for natural wastage that occurs over the shelf life of the product. The waste adjustment batch program (wasteadj.pc) writes this transaction. The cost can be weighted average cost (WAC) or standard cost depending on the options settings and retail is the regular retail. Stock adjustments transactions are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels. If a Unit & Value inventory is not performed within the stock ledger period (month), and budgeted shrink is not used, then the total cost and retail value of all stock adjustments for the period are summed up and used as the shrinkage amount in the ending inventory calculations. For details of various scenarios please refer to the ‘Budgeted Shrink Indicator’ section under RMS System Options. |
23 - Stock Adjustment COGS
This transaction code is used similarly to how the tran code 22 is used for inventory adjustments. RMS determines which tran code to record based on the reason code for the inventory adjustment. Those with the COGS indicator = Y will write to this tran code.
Inventory adjustments that are flagged with the COGS indicator = Y, unlike tran code 22, will always be included in the ending inventory calculation, regardless of the budgeted shrink indicator.
24 - RTV From Inventory
Transactions with this code are written when the inventory is returned to vendor from owned inventory. This record is inserted as soon as the RTV shipment is processed by RMS. The RTV transaction is written based on the number of units returned to the vendor and the cost and retail of the unit on the RTV.
When an RTV is created, a cost can be specified for the item differing from the average or unit cost of the item, representing the amount of money that the vendor is willing to pay the retailer for the goods. This is the cost that is used to create the RTV transaction in the stock ledger. If no cost is specified, then the average cost of the item/location is used as the RTV cost or the last receipt cost based on the system option (RTV_UNIT_COST_IND) selected. Valid values for this option are ‘R’ (last receipt cost), ‘S’ (standard cost) or ‘A’ (average cost). In this case, the retailer is using standard cost as the cost method, this can be only be ‘S’ or ‘R’. Similarly, when using average cost as cost method, this can be only be ‘A’ or ‘R’. Additionally, the RTV order number is written to the transactional data record in first reference column for reporting and reference purposes.
The ‘Return to Vendor’ transactions are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week, and subclass/month levels and also used in the ending inventory calculations for a particular period.
When the RTV cost is different from the inventory cost of the item, then the cost variance transaction code 71 or 72 is recorded depending on the department uses cost or retail method of accounting respectively.
25 - Unavailable Inventory Transfer
The Unavailable Inventory Transfer type of record is written when inventory is moved from regular stock or ‘available’ status to an ‘unavailable’ status in RMS or vice versa. This is inserted immediately upon completion of an inventory adjustment with an inventory status other than Total Stock On hand.
This is also created when there is an RTV from unavailable inventory or a transfer of unavailable inventory. In the case of a transfer, this is posted for ‘from’ location at the time of shipment and at the time of receipt at the receiving location, if received in unavailable inventory status. This transaction is recorded with the associated units, but no cost or retail, because moving stock to unavailable status does not have a financial impact on the inventory. This type of transaction is for reporting purposes only and is not used in the ending inventory calculations. Additionally, the inventory status code, which corresponds to the unavailable bucket to which the stock was moved, is also captured in the second reference column and in the case of transfer of unavailable inventory, the transfer number is captured in the first reference column with the transaction for reporting and reference purposes. |
26 - Freight Cost (Customization needed)
The freight transaction is a cost transaction that is used in the retail method only. However, data is not currently captured in this transaction type as part of the base RMS functionality. Freight is included in the ending inventory calculations for retail, so modifications can be made to the system in order to begin capturing data in this transaction type, depending on the data that is needed and how it needs to be collected.
27 - RTV From QC
This transaction was originally written to record return of those goods to the vendor that fail the quality test at the time of receipt. This Tran Code is no longer used.
28 - Up Charge Profit – Receiving location
Up charges are miscellaneous charges, for example: transportation costs, which can be added to the cost of the transfer or allocation. These charges are applied to the receiving location’s transfer cost based on dept/from/to location configuration and transfer type configuration. These can be specified as either ‘Profit’ or ‘Expense’ to facilitate general ledger posting in different accounts as per retailer’s preference. While there is no specific functionality that differs between Profit and Expense type Up Charges, various tran codes are used to allow for different general ledger treatment. Examples of Profit type Up Charges could include “Warehouse Handling Fees” or “Storage Fees” that a company’s warehouses may charge to help them operate as a profit center. Expense type up charges would be things such as “Freight” or “Insurance,” which are actual internal costs, but are applied as an estimate with Up Charges.
In this transaction code, Location Up Charge components that have been added to Transfers or Allocations with an Up Charge Type of ‘Profit’ are recorded. This record is inserted for the receiving location as soon as the shipment of the transfer or allocation is processed by RMS. The transfer or allocation number is recorded in the first reference field of this tran data record. These transactions are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week, and subclass/month levels; and used in the ending inventory calculations at cost only. These costs are added to the stock ledger cost value of the item and the weighted average cost at the receiving location. |
29 - Up Charge Expense – Receiving location
Up charges are miscellaneous charges, for example: transportation costs, which can be added to the cost of the transfer. These charges are applied to the receiving location’s transfer cost based on dept/from/to location configuration and transfer type configuration.
In this transaction code, Location Up Charge components that have been added to Transfers or Allocations with an Up Charge Type of ‘Expense’ are recorded. This record is inserted for the receiving location as soon as the shipment of the transfer or allocation is processed by RMS. The transfer or allocation number is recorded in the first reference field of this tran data record.
These transactions are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week, and subclass/month levels; and used in the ending inventory calculations at cost only. These costs are added to the stock ledger cost value of the item and the weighted average cost at the receiving location. |
30 - Transfer In
This transaction type is used to capture movement of inventory into a location based on the transfer or allocation of merchandise from another location.
These records are inserted when the transfer is processed by RMS and moves to ‘Shipped’ status in conjunction with the ‘Transfer Out’ record. This is because at the point the inventory leaves the sending location it is financially owned by the receiving location. This tran code applies for all transactions that involve inventory moving between two company owned stockholding locations in the same transfer entity or set of books – both transfers and allocations.
Under this transaction type, number of units, total cost and total retail of the transaction are captured. The cost and retail is the same as the cost and retail on the accompanying ‘transfer out’ transaction (see transaction code 32 for details) for the sending location. Additionally, the RMS transfer number is captured as part of the transaction record for reporting and reference purposes.
The ‘Transfer In’ transactions captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels and used in the ending inventory calculations for a particular period. |
31 - Book Transfer In
This transaction type is used to record a transfer with transfer type of ‘Book Transfer’ for the receiving location. This transfer is created between virtual locations. This record is inserted when the transfer status is changed to ‘approved’.
This transaction is written along with Book Transfer Out (Transaction Code – 33) and uses the same cost and retail as transaction code 33. See transaction code 33 for details of the cost and retail calculation. The ‘Book Transfer In’ transactions captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels and used in the ending inventory calculations for a particular period. Additionally, the RMS transfer number is captured as part of the transaction record for reporting and reference purposes. |
32 - Transfer Out
This transaction type is used to capture movement out of inventory from a location based on a transfer or allocation of merchandise to another location.
These records are inserted when the transfer is processed by RMS and moves to ‘Shipped’ status in conjunction with the ‘Transfer in’ record. This is because at the point the inventory leaves the sending location it is financially owned by the receiving location. This tran code applies for all transactions that involve inventory moving between two company-owned stockholding locations in the same transfer entity or set of books – both transfers and allocations. Under this transaction type, number of units, total cost and the total retail of the transaction are captured.
Additionally, the RMS transfer number is captured as part of the transaction record for reporting and reference purposes.
The ‘Transfer out’ transactions captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels and used in the ending inventory calculations for a particular period.
33 - Book Transfer Out
This transaction type is used to record a transfer with transfer type of ‘Book Transfer’ for the sending location. This transfer is created between virtual locations. This record is inserted when the transfer status is changed to ‘approved’.
This transaction is written along with Book Transfer In (Transaction Code – 31) and uses the same cost and retail of sending location. The cost and the retail will be calculated as follows:
o Total Cost (cost accounting method): Number of units transferred * Average Cost or standard cost at sending location
o Total Cost (retail accounting method): (Number of units transferred * Unit Retail at sending location) * (1 – Cumulative Mark on %)
o Total Retail: Number of units transferred * Unit Retail at sending location
The ‘Book Transfer Out’ transactions captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels and used in the ending inventory calculations for a particular period. Additionally, the RMS transfer number is captured as part of the transaction record for reporting and reference purposes. |
34 - Reclassification In
Reclassification In transactions are written when an item is moved, or reclassified, from one department/class/subclass to another, to record the movement of inventory ‘in’ to the new subclass. Transaction data records are written for each location in which the item being reclassified exists in the system based on owned inventory at the location. This transaction is written when a reclassification event is processed by the batch process Reclassification of Item (reclsdly). For every ‘Reclassification In’ transaction for the location, a ‘Reclassification Out’ transaction also exists and the two transaction data records balance one another.
The units recorded in this transaction are calculated based on total stock on hand and in-transit for each item/location. The total cost and retail are calculated based on the extended weighted average cost (or standard cost) and unit retail for the item/location. The effect is to move the current inventory value of the item from one department/class/subclass to another. The cost and the retail are calculated as follows:
o Total Cost (cost accounting method): Number of units on hand * A
o Total Cost (retail accounting method): (Number of units on hand * Unit Retail at the location) * (1 – Cumulative Mark on %)
o Total Retail: Number of units on hand * Unit Retail at the location
The ‘Reclassification In’ transactions captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels and are used in the ending inventory calculations for a particular period. Cost or standard cost at the location
36 - Reclassification Out
‘Reclassification Out’ transactions are written when an item is moved, or reclassified, from one department/class/subclass to another, to record the movement of inventory ‘out’ from the old subclass. The transaction data records are written for each location in which the item being reclassified exists in the system based on owned inventory at the location. This transaction is written when a reclassification event is processed by the batch process Reclassification of Item (reclsdly). For every ‘Reclassification Out’ transaction for the location, a ‘Reclassification In’ transaction also exists and the two transaction data records balance each other.
The units recorded in this transaction are calculated based on total stock on hand and in-transit for each item/location. The cost and retail are the same as the ‘Reclassification In’ transaction (Transaction Code – 34).
The ‘Reclassification Out’ transactions captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels and are used in the ending inventory calculations for a particular period. |
37 - Inter-company Transfer In
This transaction code is recorded for the receiving location at the time of shipping of a Transfer or Allocation out of a location where the receiving location is in a different legal entity. Because the movement of inventory is between different legal entities, it needs to be treated as a Purchase transaction rather than an inventory movement, thus the need for a different transaction code.
This transaction is posted in conjunction with the transaction ‘Intercompany Transfer Out’ (Transaction Code 38). Under this transaction type, number of units, total cost and total retail of the transaction are captured. Total cost and retail are calculated as follows:
o Total Cost: Number of units transferred * Per Unit agreed upon ‘Selling Price’ or average cost or standard cost at the sending location (if no transfer price specified)
o Total Retail: Number of units transferred * Per unit current retail at the receiving location.
Additionally, for reporting and reference purposes, the RMS transfer number is captured as part of the transaction record in ref_no_1 field, shipment number is captured in ref_no_2 field and location ID of the sending location in GL_REF_NO field.
The ‘Intercompany Transfer In’ transactions captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels and used in the ending inventory calculations for a particular period.
38 - Inter-company Transfer Out
This transaction code is recorded for the sending location at the time of shipping of a Transfer or Allocation out of a location where the receiving location is in a different legal entity. As the movement of inventory is between different legal entities, it needs to be treated as a Sale transaction rather than an inventory movement, thus the need for a different transaction code.
This transaction is posted in conjunction with the transaction ‘Intercompany Transfer In’ (Transaction Code 37). Under this transaction type, number of units, total cost and total retail of the transaction are captured. Total cost and retail are calculated as follows:
o Total Cost (cost accounting method): Number of units transferred * Average Cost or standard cost at sending location
o Total Cost (retail accounting method): (Number of units transferred * Unit Retail at sending location) * (1 – Cumulative Mark on %)
o Total Retail: Number of units transferred * Agreed upon ‘Selling Price’ or average cost/standard cost at the sending location (if no transfer price specified)
Any variance between agreed upon ‘selling price’ and regular retail for the sending location triggers the posting of either a markup or markdown transaction through transaction code 17 (intercompany markup) or transaction code18 (intercompany markdown).
Additionally, for reporting and reference purposes, the RMS transfer number is captured as part of the transaction record in ref_no_1 field; shipment number is captured in ref_no_2 field and location ID of the receiving location in GL_REF_NO field.
The ‘Intercompany Transfer out’ transactions captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels and used in the ending inventory calculations for a particular period.
39 - Intercompany Margin
RMS calculates intercompany margin differently based on whether the department uses the cost or retail method of accounting.
o Inter-company Margin (Cost method): Inter-company Out at Retail – Inter-company Out at Cost
o Inter-company Margin (Retail method): Inter-company Out at Retail * (1-CUM%)
This is recorded in the month data and week data tables not in TRAN DATA
41 - RDW Stock Count Adjustment
This transaction is for ‘Retail Analytics’ (RA) and records inventory adjustment for unit and value counts. This transaction code is required for inventory variance reporting in RA because RMS does not use a transaction code for these transactions but captures variance at month level for unit and value counts.
44 - RDW Inbound Transfer Receipt
This transaction is for ‘Retail Analytics’ (RA). It was created to notify RA that the in-transit transfer quantity for the item/location has been received and moved to the total stock on hand. Because there is no other transaction code is recorded at the time of receipt of a transfer at a location, this record also serves as an audit record for receipt.
50 - Open Stock
This is the beginning of period stock on hand in value terms for a location. This is equal to the closing stock on hand for the previous period. This is recorded in the month data and week data tables not in TRAN DATA. Separate values are recorded at cost as well as retail.
51 - Budgeted Shrink
This is the calculated shrinkage value for the period if the Budgeted Shrink Indicator (BUD_SHRINK_IND) field is set to ‘Y’ in the system options.
Budgeted shrinkage is calculated using budgeted shrinkage percent (stored on HALF_DATA_BUDGET table as SHRINKAGE_PCT field) at the department/location level for a financial half multiplied by sales at retail or at cost, depending on whether retail or cost accounting method is used, respectively. |
52 - Close Stock
This is the end of period stock on hand in value terms for a location. This is a calculated value and recorded in the month data and week data tables at cost as well as retail. This is not recorded in TRAN_DATA.
53 - Gross Margin
This is a calculated gross margin value earned by the business during the period. This is recorded in the month data and week data tables at retail not in TRAN DATA.
This is ‘Half-to-date Goods Available For Sale’. HTD GAFS value is used in the retail method of accounting for calculating cumulative markon percent which in turn is used in inventory calculation at cost. This is recorded in the month data and week data tables at cost as well as retail
55 - Inter Stocktake Sales Amount
This is the cumulative net sales amount since the last time a Unit & Value stock count was taken for a subclass/location. It is valued at cost for a cost department and at retail for a retail department. It is reset to 0 when the Unit & Value count is processed for a subclass/location, after the actual shrinkage has been calculated. This is recorded in the month data and half data tables.
56 - Inter Stocktake Shrink Amount
This is the cumulative estimated (or budgeted) shrinkage amount since the last time a Unit & Value stock count was taken for a subclass/location. It is valued at cost for the cost department and at retail for the retail department. It is reset to 0 when the count is processed for this subclass/location, after the actual shrinkage has been calculated. This is recorded in the month data and half data tables.
57 - Stocktake MTD Sales Amount
This is Month-to-date net sales amount for a subclass/location. It is valued at cost for the cost department and at retail for the retail department. It is calculated only when inventory Unit & Value stock count is taken, as of the date the count is processed. This is recorded in the month data table
58 - Stocktake MTD Shrink Amount
This is Month-to-date estimated (or budgeted) shrinkage amount for a subclass/location. It is valued at cost for the cost department and at retail for the retail department. It is calculated only when inventory Unit & Value stock count is taken, as of the date the count is processed. This is recorded in the month data table.
59 - Stocktake Book Stock Cost
This is the book stock value at cost for a subclass/location. It is calculated only when inventory Unit & Value stock count is taken, as of the date the count is processed. This is recorded in the month data table.
60 - Employee Discount
This transaction code is used for recording employee discounts extended to the employees of a retailer when he or she makes a purchase of the items that have an employee discount identified on them. These are inserted through the sales upload process when a promotional type of ‘Employee Discount’ is passed in from the point of sale (POS).
This transaction captures the amount of discount given at the POS based on a sale to an employee and is therefore a retail only transaction. The transactional stock ledger record contains the number of units to which the discount applies and the total retail value of the discount (units * discount amount). The ‘Employee Discount’ transactions captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels. These values are then used to calculate the period ending inventory and margin values for retail. |
61 - Stocktake Actual Stock Cost/Retail
This is actual stock amount at retail for a subclass/location when the Unit & Value stock count is taken, as of the date the count is processed. This is recorded in the month data table at both cost and retail.
62 - Freight Claim
This transaction code is used to record the loss when there is difference between expected quantity and actual received quantity due to freight claims in a transfer. Freight claims can only be selected as a reconciliation method online in RMS using the Stock Order Exception Reconciliation functionality in RMS. This is always recorded for receiving locations and the units and value are the difference between shipped and received.
The ‘Freight Claim’ transactions captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels and used in the ending inventory calculations for a particular period. This is a reduction to ending inventory. |
63 - Work Order Activity (finisher) Cost: Update Inventory
This transaction code is used to record the cost of work-order activity for an item that occurs at a finisher location. During transfer, an item can be routed through an internal or external finisher location for repair or value additions. The costs associated with activities carried out on merchandise at the finisher location are referred to as work order activity cost and are defined using the work order cost dialogue in RMS.
Under this transaction code, the work order activity cost that adds value to the inventory and which are meant to update inventory and thereby recalculate WAC (weighted average cost) is recorded.
The ‘Work-order Activity Cost – Update Inventory’ transactions captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels. These values are then used to calculate the period ending inventory values for cost method of accounting.
64 - Work Order Activity (finisher) Cost: Post to Financial
This transaction code is used to record the cost of work-order activity for an item that occurs at a finisher location. During a transfer, an item can be routed through an internal or external finisher location for repair or value additions. The costs associated with activities carried out on merchandise at the finisher location are referred as a work order activity cost and are defined using the work order cost dialogue in RMS.
Under this transaction code, work order activity costs that should not be included in the value of the inventory and which do not recalculate WAC but are directly posted to financial as expenses are recorded.
The ‘Work-order Activity Cost – Post to Financials’ transactions captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels and posted to the G/L, but are not used to calculate the period ending inventory values.
65 - Restocking fee
This transaction code is used to record the location restocking fee associated with the return to vendor transactions. A restocking fee can be defined either as percentage of return unit cost or particular monetary amount.
The ‘Restocking Fee’ transactions captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels for a location and posted to G/L. These values are treated as inventory additions at cost. |
70 - Cost Variance
In the case of standard cost method, this transaction is written each time the cost of the transaction differs from the ‘standard’ or base cost that is expected and records the difference between the standard cost and the transaction cost. This is also written in case of supplier cost change.
In case an average cost method is being used, this record is written in the case of an average cost adjustment done in the system. Also, this transaction is written in case of WAC calculation when the stock on hand is negative. In this case, WAC is not recalculated but set to PO unit cost in case of PO receipt or Transfer Price in case of transfer. Refer to the ‘average cost’ section for more information.
In the case of receiver cost adjustments (RCA), if the Receiver Cost Adjustment Type is set to 'Standard' in the system options through the indicator RCV_COST_ADJ_TYPE and stock on hand is less than the receipt, there will be a tran data record for this tran code for the units no longer available at the receiving location.
For both cases, the values recorded in the transactional record are the number of units on-hand and in-transit for an item/location and the total cost of the transaction (units * cost difference). Additionally, depending on the type of transaction the Transfer Order Number and Shipment or RTV Number are recorded in the reference columns of this transaction record. The ‘Cost Variance’ transactions that are captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels. These values are then used to calculate the period ending inventory values for cost method of accounting. |
71 - Cost variance from RTV (retail method of acct)
In some scenarios because of a mutual agreement between the retailer and supplier or between two locations, the cost on the RTV or intra-company transfer respectively can be different from the sending location’s cost.
This transaction code is used for recording this difference between the transaction cost and sending location’s cost for a Return-to-Vendor (RTV) or Intra-Company Transfer to ensure its proper accounting in case of the department using retail method of accounting. This transaction is not used in the period ending inventory calculations in stock ledger. In this case the cost variance would be calculated as the cost difference * (1 – CMO %)* units; where CMO is the Cumulative Mark-On. The cost recorded can be a positive or negative value. |
72 - Cost variance from RTV (cost method of acct)
In some scenarios because of a mutual agreement between the retailer and supplier or between two locations, the cost on the RTV or intra-company transfer respectively can be different from the sending location’s cost.
This transaction code is used for recording this difference between the transaction cost and sending location’s cost for a return-to-vendor (RTV) or intra-company transfer to ensure its proper accounting in case of the department using cost method of accounting.
The values recorded in the transactional record are the number of units in the RTV/Transfer transaction and the total cost of the transaction (units * cost difference). The cost recorded can be a positive or negative value.
The ‘Cost Variance – Cost Accounting’ transactions that are captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels. These values are then used to calculate the period ending inventory values for cost method of accounting. |
73 - Receiver Cost Adjustment Cost variance FIFO
This transaction code is used for Receiver Cost Adjustments (RCA) when the available inventory units, based on a FIFO method, is less than the number of units included in the cost adjustment. This is applicable in cases where Receiver Cost Adjustment Type is set to 'FIFO' in the system options through the indicator RCV_COST_ADJ_TYPE and for cases where RCA inventory is not available at the time of the adjustment and WAC is not recalculated.
Retailers can use the information on transaction data for this transaction code to determine how to manually adjust the WAC at stores where stock was distributed. This transaction code is not rolled up to the month data for the GL interface.
80 - Workroom Cost / other cost of sales
This transaction is not a part of the base RMS functionality but is provided along with logic in stock ledger calculations when the department uses the retail method of accounting.
This transaction is intended for use in capturing all miscellaneous transactions that affect the cost of sales and therefore the gross margin. Although data for this transaction is not captured anywhere within the base RMS functionality, this transaction type is taken into account when calculating gross margin for the stock ledger at the subclass/week and subclass/month levels. Therefore, a modification could be made to the system to feed this data in and have it accounted for in the stock ledger.
81 - Cash Discount
This transaction is not a part of the base RMS functionality, but is provided along with logic in stock ledger calculations when the department uses the retail method of accounting.
This transaction is intended for use in capturing all cash discount transactions that affect the cost of sales and therefore the gross margin. Although data for this transaction is not captured anywhere within the base RMS functionality, this transaction type is taken into account when calculating gross margin for the stock ledger at the subclass/week and subclass/month levels. Therefore, a modification could be made to the system to feed this data in and have it accounted for in the stock ledger.
82 - Wholesale/Franchise Sales
This transaction code is used to record sales made to a franchise entity. When a product is shipped from the retailer’s warehouse to a franchise store there is a sales transaction registered to the warehouse and this transaction is recorded.
This record captures the units sold, the retail value of the units (cost to the franchise), and the cost of the units (average or standard cost based on system option setting). Additionally, the first reference column captures if the transaction is a franchise or wholesale transaction. ‘1’ represents wholesale and ‘2’ represents franchise. The second reference column is used for capturing the transfer number.
These transactions captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels. These values are then used to calculate the period ending inventory values for both cost and retail method of accounting.
83 - Wholesale/Franchise Returns
This transaction code is used to record returns made from a franchise entity. When a product is returned to the retailer’s warehouse from a wholesale or franchise store there is a return transaction registered to the warehouse and this transaction is recorded.
This record captures the units sold, the retail value of the units (cost to the franchise), and the cost of the units (average or standard cost based on system option setting). Additionally, the first reference column captures if the transaction is a franchise or wholesale transaction. ‘1’ represents wholesale and ‘2’ represents franchise. The second reference column is used for capturing the transfer number. These transactions captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels. These values are then used to calculate the period ending inventory values for both cost and retail method of accounting. |
84 - Wholesale/Franchise Markups
When the sale price on a wholesale/franchise order is greater than the warehouse retail price, it is considered a markup and the difference is recorded as a Wholesale/Franchise Markup under this transaction code.
This record captures the units sold and difference between the current regular or clearance retail and the retail value on the transaction multiplied by number of units as transaction value. Additionally, the first reference column captures if the transaction is a franchise or wholesale transaction. ‘1’ represents wholesale and ‘2’ represents franchise. The second reference column is used for capturing the transfer number. The Wholesale/Franchise Markup transactions that are captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels. These values are then used to calculate the period ending inventory values for both cost and retail method of accounting |
85 - Wholesale/Franchise Markdowns
When the sale price on a wholesale/franchise order is less than the warehouse retail price, it is considered a markdown and the difference is recorded as Wholesale/Franchise Markdown under this transaction code.
This record captures the units sold and difference between the current regular or clearance retail and the retail value on the transaction multiplied by number of units as transaction value. Additionally, the first reference column captures if the transaction is a franchise or wholesale transaction. ‘1’ represents wholesale and ‘2’ represents franchise. The second reference column is used for capturing the transfer number. The Wholesale/Franchise Markdown transactions that are captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels. These values are then used to calculate the period ending inventory values for both cost and retail method of accounting. |
86 - Wholesale/Franchise Restocking Fee
This transaction code is used to record any restocking payments made by wholesale or franchise customers to the retailer against the items being returned. This is an optional fee sometimes charged by the retailer to compensate against the expenses incurred for restocking the returned merchandise. This would typically be income for the warehouse.
This record captures the units returned and restocking fee at cost. Additionally, the first reference column captures if the transaction is a franchise or wholesale transaction. ‘1’ represents wholesale and ‘2’ represents franchise. The second reference column is used for capturing the transfer number. The Wholesale/Franchise Restocking Fee transactions captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels for a location and posted to G/L and used in the end of period inventory calculations. |
87 - VAT In Cost
If VAT is being used in the system, every purchase transaction will entail Input VAT and every sales transaction will entail Output VAT. For their proper accounting, all the VAT values need to be properly calculated and captured.
This transaction code is used for recording Input VAT amount for purchases (tran code – 20), RUA and RCA transactions (tran code – 20U and 20C), consignment sales (tran code – 20) and return to vendor (tran code – 24) transactions. This record captures the units in the transaction and VAT amount at cost. For purchases, RUAs, RCAs and consignment sales, VAT amount is a positive value and is calculated as (cost * VAT rate/100). For return to vendor transactions, the VAT amount is a negative value and calculated as ((cost – restocking fee) * VAT rate/100). The VAT rate is retrieved from VAT_ITEM table. Additionally, the Order Number or RTV Order Number are recorded in the first reference field.
The ‘VAT In Cost’ transactions captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels for a location and posted to G/L. They are not included in inventory calculations.
88 - VAT Out Retail
If VAT is being used in the system, every purchase transaction entails Input VAT and every sales transaction entails Output VAT. For their proper accounting, all the VAT values need to be properly calculated and captured.
This transaction code is used for recording Output VAT amount for regular sales transactions (tran code – 1 and 3), sales return (tran code – 4), franchise sales (tran code – 82) and franchise returns (tran code – 83).
This record captures the units in the transaction and VAT amount at retail. For sales transactions VAT amount will be positive value and for return transactions, VAT amount will be negative value. VAT rate is retrieved from VAT_ITEM table. Additionally, for franchise transactions, the associated transfer number is captured in the first reference column.
The ‘VAT Out Retail’ transactions captured in RMS are rolled up to the subclass/day, subclass/week and subclass/month levels for a location and posted to G/L. They are not included in inventory calculations. |
RMS stock ledger information can be staged for upload into a retailer’s General Ledger system. Stock ledger information can be extracted from RMS at three different levels:
About Nagesh Mishra
Nagesh Mishra - A Passionate Oracle Retail Certified Professional with more than 17 years of overall experience in IT industry and more than 15 years of domain expertise in Oracle Retail Applications. Worked extensively in diversified fields of Product Implementation, Business Consulting, Pre-Sales, Application Software Development, Maintenance and Support and Re-Engineering Oracle Retail projects.
Thanks so much for providing such a great asset. Its been a life saver. Well done.
I have a question related to using RMS at a company that is on the Retail method. Cumulative markon percentage is an important aspect of the stock ledger when you are on the retail method. There are times when the cum markon percentage goes off track, and then future transfers and COGS are also off track from that point forward. We are seeking a solution to this, as finding and correcting every transaction that caused markon to go off track is virtually impossible.
That being said, the section about setting a min and max markon percentage got my attention. My question is, can that min and max percentage be set by dept or class or subclass, or is it one setting for the whole merch hierarchy? Although the section did suggest that the BUD_INT can be set at the dept level, it didn't say whether the min and max can also be set at the dept level. I am asking because our markon % varies widely by dept, so one setting would not be the ideal solution.
On a related note, any other suggestions on how to keep cumulative markon % accurate?
For interstocktake shrink amount ,once it is reset after the new stock count ,then how the difference between old shrink(cumulative )and the new shrink after new stock take is compensated to negate the cost variance .
Hi, This is very informative thanks for posting. I have one question regarding cost variance posting, will the tran code 70 is posted every time if old wac is not equal to new wac in case of PO receipt and TSF recipt , please answer.
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